Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Subway ride of the Damned

Got into Penn Station late today due to a dental appointment. Bought my new monthly Metro card (last one at $89) and waited for a local. Off peak times you are used to waiting a while, but an E train came right up in minutes and stopped. I was waiting for the second car and thought it odd that nobody was in the first two cars. Good thing because when the doors opened they opened on the wrong side, allowing passengers to fall to the tracks below. The doors closed, the train moved on, and the E train headed south. Minutes later I got into a C train. They were acting weird as well. The driver sounded the horn incessantly from 14th Street to 4th. Some instinct told me to get out and try another train. That instinct was dead on. Got into an A train and saw the C train stopped at Spring Street, still honking. Then just north of Canal Street, we saw the still-empty E train to our right, just sitting there. I got off at Chambers and saw the E arriving at World Trade Center on the far track, still empty. I wonder what the driver was thinking.

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